Hovels: English/Rural Range

If you have read my earlier post about the Red Lion pub, you'll be aware of my thoughts about wargaming terrain. You'll also know my paint palette colours for my ECW buildings. Here's the rest of my buildings from this range from Hovels.

I seem to have got a little carried away with the 'generic houses' (1T5 and 2T5) - to give a little variety some have slate rooves, some tiled.

The church (4T5)...

 ...the blacksmith's forge (6T5), which looked much better once some flock was added...

...and the manor house (7T5).

My usual paint regime applied here: undercoat of Liquitex raw umber; windows Foundry Prussian blue; white panels badly painted white (so patches of undercoat show in parts/ and white is patchy); wood frames RailMatch weathered black; stone work RailMatch weathered stone painted on badly, again to give an uneven coat; slate rooves Coat d'Arms slate grey; tiled rooves Coat d'Arms orange, then heavy dry brush of Coat d'Arms terracotta, very light drybrush of Coat d'Arms yellow to give highlights; wooden doors Humbrol natural wood; door furniture black. Then heavy washes of Citadel nuln oil and agrax earthshade. Finishing off with flocking of grassy bits, then couple of coats of Army Painter anti-shine matt (it lies, it does still shine a little bit!).

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