Essex's Coffin

I've been pretty quiet of late: in the unlikely event that you have been waiting for the latest thrilling instalment I apologise. Salute, turned into a bit of a fiasco, only really managing to pick up preorders. Which was a real shame as there were a number of ECW games I wanted to view, and a number of vendors I wanted to visit. Alas, it was not to be (one of my boys was rather poorly). Straight after Salute I had shoulder surgery, so that put a bit of a dampener on my new found painting enthusiasm. Thankfully all looks to have gone well so time to ease myself back in gently. And so to the Matchlock range, they have much more meat on their bones than my usual figures, although heightwise they are surprisingly close. Which is why I have only really used figures from their 'characters' section to bolster my civilians or baggage train. The main focus has revolved around putting Essex's coffin on the battlefield. Inspired by an Easter showing of 'Cromwell' ...