Baggage and Limbers

As part of my pre-Salute challenge I painted up some more limbers, and a couple more carts for the baggage train, but couldn't finish them due to their drovers being part of a pre-order which was to be collected at Salute.

Horseholders have now been painted, and basing completed and flocked. Particularly pleased with the Gale Force 9 spring undergrowth, adds a nice textural difference to the static grass.

First up the baggage train. Nominally labelled as Parliamentarian or Royalist, but with no visible identifiers, so can be used for either side. These are from Museum Miniatures.

Here's the limbers, from the Naismith range.

And finally a couple of A&M (Donnington Miniatures) carts, that I picked up at Salute. They look nice but are awful to assemble.

I really think that my baggage trains are now complete. Although there are a couple of horseholders in my spares box...

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