Baggage, Cannon and Limbers

In yet another case of déjà vu I sit thinking how to write a blog entry about baggage and artillery. "But you said..." I hear both my readers cry; and yes, I did say no more baggage. But, well...I had a good rummage around in the spares box, and well, a surfeit of dragoon horseholders were crying out to be used. So here they are , two more carts for the Parliament's baggage train. And two more for the King's. As well as two carts Parliament has gained a demi-culverin (heavy gun) and a saker (medium gun), both with limbers and casualty markers. As has the King. As always, the men and cannon are from my usual manufacturer; wagons and limbers from Museum Miniatures; custom casualty markers from Warbases. If you enjoyed reading this, or any of the other posts, please consider supporting the blog. Thanks .