Baggage, Cannon and Limbers

In yet another case of déjà vu I sit thinking how to write a blog entry about baggage and artillery.

"But you said..." I hear both my readers cry; and yes, I did say no more baggage. But, well...I had a good rummage around in the spares box, and well, a surfeit of dragoon horseholders were crying out to be used.

So here they are , two more carts for the Parliament's baggage train.

And two more for the King's.

As well as two carts Parliament has gained a demi-culverin (heavy gun) and a saker (medium gun), both with limbers and casualty markers.

As has the King.

As always, the men and cannon are from my usual manufacturer; wagons and limbers from Museum Miniatures; custom casualty markers from Warbases.

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  1. Great post KYPD38. I love your ECW travelogue; the posts are always interesting. Your artillery and baggage look great too.

    1. Blushes.

      Thanks for your kind words Codsticker

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray. We won't mention the very obvious item that I have failed to paint on one of the gunners. I'm not letting on. Needless to say it will be sorted tonight.


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