Total Battle Miniatures - Buildings

Regular readers (hello both of you) will know that I am always on the look out for resin buildings that will work with the Hovels buildings I had a look at Total Battle Miniatures' (henceforth TBM) ranges.

Why resin? My own house is almost 200 years old, nothing is straight, nothing is true. Whilst laser cut mdf buildings can look good, they are a bit too crisp, neat and square for the seventeenth century. Hence resin. Sagging roof lines, wonky windows are all better represented in resin.

I already own a few of their Big Battalions Napoleonic buildings (Essling Granary etc), so I hoped they would work size wise.

TBM make two ranges - Skirmish which are accurately scaled, and Big Battalions which are the correct height but have a reduced footprint.

My test piece is from the Big Battalions 15mm Black Powder Europe section: 15BPBB12U 'Row of Houses'

A clean, crisp hollow resin model which required no cleaning up. I thought I'd washed all the mould release agent off, but clearly hadn't as paint was struggling to adhere to the rooves. But I got there in the end.

My usual intentional (as opposed to naturally incompetent) scruffy paint job, looks better in real life rather than magnified on a big screen - burnt umber base coat, then rough block colours, followed by more careful use of weathered black on the timber frame, Agrax wash on the stone work, then Nuln Oil wash on everything. All finished off with some white highlighting.

Here it is with an ECW building

and with a Hovels

There are a couple more buildings in the Black Powder Europe section which look suitable for seventeenth century Britain, I think an order will shortly be forthcoming.

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