More Command Figures

In a severe bout of 'what to paint next' I added some command figures to my Parliamentarian and Royalist armies. As the manufacturer of my figures only makes a limited number of 'generals' I had to deploy my trusty headswapping skillz to try and make them look a little different.

I have become a little hung up on detail recently and now strive to have the correct coloured hair/horses/etc for the real life commanders that my figures represent. We are blessed that there are a number of portraits to use for reference; unfortunately some portraits are proving rather difficult to track down (if they exist at all), which is where the use of lobster pot helmets comes in very handy.

First up three men of Parliament.

Lieutenant General James Wemyss: who was an interesting fellow. A master gunner, he was captured at Cropredy Bridge.

Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex: commander of Parliament's forces until he stepped down in 1645 due to the publication of the Self Denying Ordinance. The lobster pot he holds was a beast to drill out to get some sort of surface suitable to gluing to his hand.

Since falling down a bit of a rabbit hole investigating known coat colours I have a sneaky feeling that m'Lord Essex might well find himself rebased with a small number of halberdiers in attendance. Essex had a guard - The Lord General's Guard of Halberdiers - a small guard, consisting of thirty men who wore grey cassocks which were festooned wth 180 silver and orange buttons. Although having that thought 'out loud' and thinking true 15mm might be a really silly thing to suggest.

Sir John Meldrum: a Scottish professional soldier. he took command at the Siege of Scarborough Castle in 1645, and survived a fall down a 200 foot cliff as his cloak acted as a parachute. He would die from his wounds after leading an assault on the Castle later that year.

Now three Royalist commanders.

Sir Arthur Aston: the not very popular Governor of Reading who was exonerated for the town's surrender because he was unconscious, apparently, so he didn't technically surrender the town. Later appointed Governor of Oxford, he broke his leg (which eventually had to be amputated) in a riding accident. Appointed Governor of Drogheda in 1649 he was bludgeoned to death with his own wooden leg by New Model Army soldiers who believed he was hiding gold coins in it

Robert Dormer, 1st Earl Carnarvon: served under Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice, he would later lead Royalist forces in Dorset after the fall of Bristol. Mortally wounded at First Newbury (the battle, not the scout group*): the King is supposed to have sat with him until there was no hope left.

Lord General Robert Bertie, 1st Earl of Lindsey. Commander of the King's Army prior to Edgehill, he was put in a difficult position by Rupert's appointment as Commander of the Royalist Horse. On the eve of Edgehill he quarrelled with Rupert and Lord Forth over the deployment of troops, which led to him resigning his commission. He fought at Edgehill as the Colonel of his Regiment of Foot he was shot in the thigh and taken prisoner. he died the next day of his wounds. Wears a lobster pot because he was bald - a conversion beyond my greenstuff ability.

* and no, I doubt I will ever tire of that attempt at a joke

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I think they look suitably horse like, I'm sure horse aficionados would shudder

  2. Due to old age & poor eye sight I abandoned 15's for their larger brethren 28's but I must say you've made these little fellows look great.

    1. Thank you. I do find there is a sweet spot where I can see them to paint, so maybe I need to paint lots more now?

  3. Peter Pig makes some bald heads if you're interested

    1. Thanks John, sadly they are a very new addition to the range, which became available after I'd painted Lindsey. Must confess I did curse mildly when I saw them. I'm far too lazy to 're-do' him


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