Building Supplies

Back in the days when the only people wearing a mask to go to the bank were armed robbers, I started this blog as a repository for all my little notes. Since then, the blog has taken on a life of its own and become... well... here is a post that goes back to the roots of the blog. Somewhat selfishly, it is primarily for me. If it helps anyone else out - bonus!

Regular readers will know that I am continually on the lookout for suitable buildings.  The bulk of my buildings are Hovels, which are 15mm sized but with a reduced footprint. I've found a few other suitable buildings from PP and Total Battle Miniatures; and some less suitable ones (from the extensive building ranges stocked by Magister Militum). So maybe it is time to scratch build a few...

I've kitbashed a windmill, making a stone base for it, which doesn't look too shoddy. Could be fun. Equally could be a nightmare (best to gloss over my woodwork lessons at school). Buoyed by my greenstuff adventures making arms and tassets for engineers, I think I'm ready!

Currently on the hunt for things that will hopefully make the whole experience less likely to turn into the predicted nightmare.

First stop: Green Stuff World. Who make some very nifty texture rolling pins. I've picked up their 15mm Sett Pavement (2410) which looks like it should do for stonework, and Dutch Bricks (1626). 

Windows and doors look a bit tricksy to make (for someone of my abilities): I know that it is possible to buy ready-made architectural fittings - Google do your thing!

Irregular Miniatures have a number of doors, windows, chimney pots and steps hidden away on their website; although seeing as they have one of the worst designed commercial websites that I have ever encountered, everything could be described as 'hidden away'. You can find them here.

Auhagen are a German firm who make little bits for model railway layouts in all manner of sizes, including TT (which roughly equates to 15mm sized figures*).

The packs that look the most useful:

48650 Mullion Windows (there are also some doors in the pack, but they don't look quite so useful)

Roofing tiles: York Modelmaking make laser cut sheets of self adhesive roofing tiles in a variety of styles and sizes (and also ridge line pieces). A number of railway modelling supply shops offer such a service. (TT is often called 3mm scale in the UK) York Modelmaking are the only one I have found, so far, who clearly state that they will resize tiles to any size requested.

They also make a number of N scale doors and windows which are a suitable size for 15mm with a reduced footprint sized buildings. There are also cutting templates for each of the styles of doors and windows.

Whilst perusing York Modelmaking's website check out the tools page. Some very nifty magnetic clamps and square tools for use when assembling kits and scratchbuilds.

Whilst up on the roof, PP make some suitable looking white metal chimneys (on their scenery page).

* Whatever you do, never ever describe 15mm as a scale on internet forums. There are a number of individuals who become apoplectic if anyone dares say 15mm, 10mm etc are scales. Imagine the worst button counter that you've ever met, then double it. That's what awaits. You have been warned.

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