Irish Command

Following on from Professor Furgol's talk at the Helion Century of the Soldier Conference, it became apparent my Irish men needed some spiritual leadership to take them into battle. (Too complicated to explain, I'm sure it will be in his new book.) I found a pack of monks from Magister Militum that pretty much fitted the image that Ed had shared of a Spanish tercio going into battle with a cross held high to inspire the soldiers. So here they are, no idea if the robes are accurate, but they 'feel' right. Irish you say? Yes, I've taken the plunge and started creating an Irish Confederate army, these Godly men will inspire the Confederates and the Irish Brigade fighting for the King with Montrose. There are quite a few spare monks in my spares box now, so don't be at all surprised if one or two appear in the command bases of a Confederate RoF. If you enjoyed reading this, or any of the other posts, please consider supporting the blog. Thanks .